veins are what color on diagrams

What color is blood in our arteries and.
In the circulatory system, veins (from the Latin vena) are blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart. Most veins carry deoxygenated blood from the tissues back
Vein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia What Color is Blood in Veins? - Yahoo!.
01.04.2009 · On heart diagrams, veins are red and arteries are blue, on other diagrams the colors switch. What is what? 4 years ago; Report Abuse
23.04.2007 · Best Answer: From Wikipedia: In humans and other hemoglobin-using creatures, oxygenated blood is bright red. This is due to oxygenated iron in the red
Arteries and Veins Diagram
On heart diagrams, veins are red and.
What color is blood in our arteries and.
16.11.2008 · I've always wondered why blood appears to be blue in the veins, but there's a simple explanation that you'll find once you read this article.

veins are what color on diagrams
Vein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaveins are what color on diagrams